Facebook fundraising campaigns


You can now create your own fundraiser for Kids Action for Kids on Facebook*. This is a great initiative e.g. to celebrate your Birthday or another great occasion.

Making your own fundraiser is very simple, and the funds you raise are a great contribution to giving more children their life-changing surgery for cleft lip and/or palate.

How do you do it?
Go to facebook.com/kidsactionforkids, click “Fundraisers” in the left side menu, click “+ Raise Money” and follow the instructions you get. Before long you have your own fundraiser for KAFK!

We have also described all the steps in detail below, in case you want to see the whole process and detailed instructions.

Good luck and THANK YOU very much!
*Facebook fundraisers are not available in all countries yet.

Step 1: On Facebook, click ‘Fundraisers’ in the menu on the left hand side.


Step 2: A message like this will appear (within 2 weeks of your birthday date). Click the ‘Select Nonprofit’ button.


Step 3: Search for ‘Kids Action for Kids’ and select it as your nonprofit.


Step 4:
Choose a fundraising goal (for reference, one surgery costs around THB 25,000 / NOK 6,000 / USD 800). We encourage you to be ambitious in your goal!
Select an end date (typically 1-2 weeks is recommended).
You can adjust your goal amount and end date later, if wanted.
Click next.


Step 5:
Select a name for your fundraiser (e.g. ‘Jack’s Birthday Fundraiser for Kids Action for Kids’ as used below).
Write a description for why you are raising money. Here are some ideas for short and longer texts (in English and Norwegian):

  • I’m raising money for Kids Action for Kids and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate a lot or a little. Anything helps. Thank you for your support!
  • I chose Kids Action For Kids because I know it is a trustworthy organization where 100% of all funds go directly to surgery. Anything helps. Thank you for your support!
  • Please help me change a life forever. A simple and inexpensive surgery means everything to these children! Anything helps. Thank you for your support!
  • For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Kids Action for Kids, a non-profit organization that finances life changing surgeries for underprivileged children born with cleft lip and/or palate in Thailand and Myanmar. I hope you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. Every little bit will help! If you are in a country where Facebook fundraisers are not yet activated, you can donate on KAFK’s webpage (www.kidsactionforkids.org) or through Vipps (18655).
  • For my birthday this year, I wish for a contribution to Kids Action for Kids. I have chosen this nonprofit because their cause means a lot to me, and I hope that you will contribute as a way to celebrate with me. All donations will help me reach my goal – which is that one child will get a life changing operation. You can also donate on the website or vippse to 18655. If you want to know more about KAFK go to www.kidsactionforkids.org. Thank you!
  • Hi Everyone! Today is my birthday and there would be no greater gift than my friends and family supporting Kids Action for Kids, a non profit organization that has provided life changing surgeries to children born with cleft lip/palate. I hope you’ll consider contributing to such an amazing cause, as a way to celebrate with me! Every little bit will help bring about truly inspirational change and joy to a child’s life!!
  • Til bursdagen min i år ønsker jeg meg et bidrag til Kids Action for Kids som jobber med operasjoner for barn født med leppe-ganespalte i Thailand og Myanmar. Jeg har valgt denne ideelle organisasjonen fordi saken deres betyr mye for meg, og jeg håper at du vil bidra som en måte å feire sammen med meg. Alle bidrag hjelper! Du kan også Vippse til 18655 eller gi en gave på websiden. Vil du vite mer kan du gå inn på www.kidsactionforkids.org. Tusen takk!

Press next.



Step 6: Select a cover photo from the 9 options. Click create!


Step 7:
Invite your Facebook friends to donate and make a difference!
We have also found it effective to write personal messages to closest family and friends to ask for donations.
You can adjust your goal amount and end date as your fundraiser is active!

Good luck with your fundraiser and THANK YOU very much!